Keeping in Touch
While we are in shutdown due to the COVID-19 we thought it would be a good idea to have a place on our website where we could, on a regular basis, keep you informed, provide fun things to do, excite your mind, provide links to interesting places, inject some humour, share some ideas and generally brighten up your day. So, on a regular basis while we are all sitting at home, our webmaster, Ian Handricks, will update this page for you and he would welcome your input, ideas and anything else you might like to share on the page and he will do his best to include your ideas in the next post. Ian can be contacted on - Click on buttons below to go to a specific day or scroll down for a journey through the days
n.b. When viewing the videos use these controls ... click on in bottom left of video to start video and
click on in bottom right of video to expand to full screen
Day 35
Spare a Thought
Clockwork Cranial Concoctions
Move over buddy!
A Whiter Shade of pale 40 years on! Beautiful
The reality of travel plans in 2020!
Unusual Vehicles
Here's a gallery of unusual production cars over the years ...
Extraordinary Pianist - Peter Bence -Africa
Peter Bence -Here Comes the Sun
Day 36
You Must Remember This
A menu of magic
A Bulldog Clip!
Uncle Bulgaria - Mezmorising Chants
Whispering Grass
Lovelight Requiem
Written by Brett Howes
Piano and Production by Kevin Crowe
Brett and Kevin have both been guest presenters at our Seniornet North Shore Club
No head for alcohol!
Insurance Humour
What's the difference between a life insurance underwriter and a Mafia underwriter? A life insurance underwriter can predict how many people will die this year; a Mafia underwriter can name them.
A client calls up his insurance agent and tells him he needs to file a claim. The agent says “Tell me what happened?” The client tells him and the agent says “I’m sorry but that’s not covered.” The client says “well, let me explain better what happened.” The agent says “I’m sorry but that’s not covered either.” The client says” I’ll tell you what, you tell me what’s covered and I’ll tell you how it happened!”
Three guys are fishing in the Caribbean. One guy says, "I had a terrible fire; lost everything. Now the insurance company is paying for everything and that's why I'm here." The second guy says, "I had a terrible explosion; lost everything. Now the insurance company is paying for everything and that's why I'm here." The third guy says, "What a coincidence. I had a terrible flood; lost everything. Now the insurance company is paying for everything and that's why I'm here." The other guys turned to him with confusion and asked, "Flood? How do you start a flood?"
Jack Jones was assigned to the Army induction centre, where he advised new recruits about their government benefits, especially their military insurance. It wasn't long before his boss noticed that Jones had almost a 100% record for insurance sales, which had never happened before. Rather than ask about this, he stood in the back of the room and listened to Jones's sales pitch. Jones explained the basics of the military insurance to the new recruits and then said: "If you have military Insurance and go into battle and are killed, the government has to pay $200,000 to your beneficiaries. If you don't have military insurance, and you go into battle and get killed, the government only has to pay a maximum of $6,000." "Now," he concluded, "which bunch do you think they are going to send into battle first?"
Steve’s barn burned down. Julie, his wife, called the insurance company and said, “We had that barn insured for fifty thousand and I want my money.” “Whoa there, just a minute, Julie, it doesn’t work like that. We will assess the value of the building and provide you with a new one of comparable worth.” the agent replied. Julie, after a pause, said, “Well, in that case, I’d like to cancel the policy on my husband.”
Hunnu Guren - Batzorig Vaanchig & Auli
7-Yr Old Brianna Kahane Performs "Csardas"
Paint it Black - The Harp Twins
Tongue Twisters
Now that you’ve had time to give your eyes and brain a work-out, how about trying some of these delightful phrases – you’re doing really well if you can say them more than three times without making a mistake!
Peggy Babcock
A big bug bit a bold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood badly
Does this shop stock short sport socks with spots?
Tim, the thin twin tinsmith
Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades, blunderbusses, and bludgeons
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
Blue glue gun, green glue gun
Sheena leads, Sheila needs
Wayne went to Wales to watch walruses
Black background, brown background
I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch
A quick-witted cricket critic
Willy's real rear wheel
Wasps Nests
Stupid superstition!
Six thick thistle sticks
She sees cheese
Knapsack strap
Shine my city shoes!
A Town in Iceland Made an Optical Illusion Crosswalk to Slow Traffic
A Town in Iceland Made an Optical Illusion Crosswalk to Slow Traffic
We’re turning into those angry old men who shake their fists at cars flying by these days. Okay, not all the time, we love speed as much as the next guy, but specifically when there’s a crosswalk present. We’re all for ways to get people to slow down at such a point so they don’t hurt someone.
Ísafjör∂ur (hope you can pronounce it), a town in northern Iceland, came up with a clever way to get drivers to pay attention. The town created a crosswalk that appears 3D. Take a look. It will mess with your head. Not only does it look cool, but it should demand some attention from approaching vehicles.
Day 37
Intellectual Entanglements
A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Club Rooms
Covid-19 Finally Explained
Pink Panther Feet
How to get ahead in life
The word's out - here's some more Curiosity Clicking
A collection of interesting websites worth a visit (click on black button to visit site)
WordClouds is a free online word cloud generator and tag cloud creator. Paste text, upload a document or open an URL to automatically generate a word- or tag cloud
Visual Thesaurus
The Visual Thesaurus is an interactive dictionary and thesaurus that allows you to discover the connections between words in a visually captivating display.
Explore the lexicon. Use the graphs to associate words and expand on concepts. Brainstorm. Move beyond synonyms and find other kinds of relational connections.
Graphwords is a visual thesaurus and dictionary to help you explore English words. Find meanings of words and their associations in easy way
Etymology Online
Etymologies are not definitions; they're explanations of what our words meant and how they sounded 600 or 2,000 years ago.
Word Art
Free on-line word art maker
The North Shore in times gone by
Here's a gallery of historic photos of the North Shore over the years ... click on image to enlarge and get description
16 yr old Patricia Janečková - Les oiseaux dans la charmille
While My Guitar Gently Weeps played on a Chapman Stick by Bob Culbertson
9 Yr old Krisya Todova from Bulgaria composed, arranged and performed this along with twin pianists Hasan & Ibrahim
Sabine Pyrker on drums and her father, Martin Pyrker, a famous Austrian blues and boogie-woogie piano player.
Day 38
Mesmerizing Media
Pictures at an exhibition
Lock down Checkers
Nothing ever happens!
Trying to get my ball-bearings
Business and computer definitions (with a twist!)
A Town in Iceland Made an Optical Illusion Crosswalk to Slow Traffic
ability: The virtue you are forced to use if your boss has no daughter.
advertising: The art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need.
all new: Not compatible with earlier versions.
ambiguity: The lack of clarity in speech, or something like that.
argument: An exchange of words between people with diametrically opposed views, all of whom know that they are right.
boss: Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early.
civil servant: Someone who isn't civil and doesn't serve.
clicklexia: A disorder often suffered by novice computer users in which they have a tendency to double-click on items which only require one click, often resulting in two items opening instead of just one.
clone: 1. An exact duplicate; "Our product is a clone of their product." 2. A shoddy, spurious copy; "Their product is a clone of our product."
committee: An entity that keeps minutes and loses hours.
compromise: The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece.
computer: An electronic time-saving device that is commonly used for time-wasting activities.
computer expert: Someone who has not read the instructions, but who will nevertheless feel qualified to install a program and, when it does not function correctly, pronounce it incompatible with the operating system.
design: What you later regret not doing.
dictionary: The only place where success comes before work.
Digital: the art of counting on your fingers
egosurfing: Typing your own name into google to see who's talking about you.
feature: A hardware limitation, as described by a marketing representative.
flow chart: A graphic representation of a bowl of spaghetti.
hardware: The parts of a computer which can be kicked.
inbox: A catch basin for everything you don't want to deal with, but are afraid to throw away.
instruction manual: An explanation of how to use something written in a way that is easily understood only by the author.
jury: Twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.
life insurance: term for a plan that keeps you poor all your life so you can die rich
management consultant: Someone who tells you how to do improve doing something that he or she can't do at all.
meeting: An assembly of people coming together to decide what person or department not represented in the room must solve a problem.
mouse: An input device designed to make computer errors easier to generate.
negotiate: To seek a meeting of the minds without the knocking together of heads.
password: Series of letters and numbers written on a post-it note and stuck on a monitor.
recursive: See recursive.
ROM: Where the Pope lives
search engine: A program that enables computer users to locate information and advertisers to locate computer users.
self-employed: Jobless.
state of the art: Anything that you can't afford.
strategy: A long-range plan whose merit cannot be evaluated until sometime after those creating it have left the organization.
unfair competition: Selling more cheaply than we do.
wisdom: Knowing what to do with what you know.
Some Stunning Pictures
Here's a gallery of amazing photos ... click on image to enlarge